出租公寓 Tree Condo Luxe Sukhumvit 52



  • swimming pool
  • library
  • Fitness
  • security system
  • Sky garden
  • Furnished with furniture
  • Sanitary ware from the leading brands


  • Chalerm mahanakorn Expressway
  • Bangna-Trad Road
  • Nut road (Sukhumvit 77).
  • BTS bang
  • Phra khanong District Office.
  • Big c extra
  • Tesco Lotus.
  • The the Phil Sukhumvit SOI 54
  • Tops supermarket
  • Bitec Bangna
  • The the Bangkok Mall.
  • Kluaynamthai hospital 2
  • Walen School of international
  • Child Jesus school science
  • Anglo Singapore international school campus 64
  • International School Robert airport
  • College of technology, Bangkok
  • College of business administration technology SI Wattana
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